ADHD ADD Testing: What is the difference?ADHD

ADHD ADD testing, the difference is that the first term is the actual DSM-5 Diagnostic Term for the disorder, and the second one is a pop culture term used to describe the inattentive diagnostic subtype!

ADHD is diagnosed with specifiers such as Predominately Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentation or Combined Presentation and Predominately Inattentive Presentation (aka ADD).Β It really is that simple!

Dr. Chambers developed a state-of-the-art neuropsychological testing battery to determine whether or not someone has ADHD. The battery itself can be completed in one full day of testing, and includes the rule out of psychiatric conditions, searches for pathognomonic signs of neurological dysfunction, and it rules out language delays or other cognitive explanations for attention deficits. It is imperative that when you participate in an evaluation, that the evaluation itself is comprehensive enough to rule out other conditions that present with similar symptomatology. ADHD/ADD is a diagnosis of exclusion, which means that all other explanations need to be excluded as a diagnostic possibility prior to assigning a diagnosis.

Far too often clinicians only look for what something is, not what something isn’t. In cases of a diagnosis of exclusion, the only way to really know what it “is” is to know what it isn’t! Get a detailed description of the process here.Β ADHD ADD testing looks for the actual cause of your attentional problems. The DSM-5 is a huge book of diagnoses. What is frustration, is the most if not all psychiatric diagnoses have some element of an attention disorder. The main difference is that those with ADHD are born with anatomical and/or physiological brain differences causing the attentional problems, while other conditions have attention as an additive symptom that can often be reversible once the symptoms are treated.

The process for scheduling is very simple! Call, text, or email us to being discussing what the evaluation and testing process is all about! Get your questions answered and then we begin the process to finding out what it is, and of course what it isn’t.

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